ThinkFirst For Kids is a program that allows for flexible use in integrating lessons into the elementary school curriculum. Each grade (1-3) has a separate curriculum and array of classroom activities and worksheets. The activities and worksheets are designed to be integrated into various subjects, such as mathematics, reading, and science.
ThinkFirst For Youth is for students in grades four through eight - an important time to help students learn the importance of protecting themselves, as they are increasingly faced with decision-making challenges involving their safety. Anatomy lessons and classroom activities help students develop a practical understanding of their body's abilities, limitations and vulnerability for injuries. Exercises build communication and conflict resolution skills, increasing self confidence and the ability to make safe choices when on their own or in the face of peer pressure.

ThinkFirst For Teens is for junior and senior high school students, as well as for colleges and after-school programs. Health educators and VIP speakers - Voices for Injury Prevention - explain how injuries occur, how they affect the body and how they can be prevented. Students learn that one poor choice can change your life forever, so it is each person's responsibility to cut the risk for injury to themselves and others by making safe choices.

ThinkFirst chapter directors recruit and coach VIPs to join them as ThinkFirst presenters: the science and safety tips are presented by the health educator and the personal testimony is given by a VIP. Student evaluations show that 'hearing from someone who has been injured' is a leading factor in improving one's safety habits. As a team, the information they share:
• increases students' knowledge about the brain and spinal cord, risk factors and their ability to protect themselves
• changes attitudes about taking safety measures seriously, such as putting the phone away while driving or wearing a bicycle helmet
• encourages behavior change, like buckling up every time they are in a vehicle
ThinkFirst for Parents of Teen Drivers is an evidence-based program offered to parents of teen drivers. We also invite their teen to join in for maximum benefit. ThinkFirst for Parents of Teen Drivers, is a new 75 minutes program, in partnership with the Illinois Department of Transportation/National Highway Traffic Safety Association-funded program offered at no cost in high schools (or other venues). Parents make the first impact on their teen drivers and are the number one influencer for Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) law adherence.
ThinkFirst About Concussion is an educational program for student audiences in middle school through college. It is meant to be an adjunct program to help students recognize the signs and symptoms of concussion and understand the importance of pulling themselves from play and managing a concussion responsibly. School districts implementing other concussion programs, such as e-learning programs, will find a live presentation by a skilled injury prevention educator to be a useful resource. This program is not meant to take the place of ThinkFirst For Teens, but is meant as an extra program to offer health classes or athletic groups, in a classroom or assembly setting. The presentation can be easily adjusted for parent and coach audiences.
ThinkFirst to Prevent Falls is an educational program for ThinkFirst chapter use only, to be used for educating older adults concerned about falls. It is meant to be a program aimed at helping older adults (or any adult at risk for falls) recognize their risk factors for falls, and implement strategies to prevent falls. This program is designed to be an introductory program, so it would be appropriate to provide resources for other fall prevention programs and supporting programs such as exercise classes.
ThinkFirst For Your Baby is a community education class that includes four modules and related handouts and resources. Whether attendees are new or expectant parents, grandparents or other caregivers, babies will benefit from everyone learning or reviewing information on keeping babies and families safe! This four-hour class is offered through approved ThinkFirst chapters.

These are free webinars for ThinkFirst chapters, chapter directors, health educators, VIP's and program direcors. 

Upon completion of the New Chapter Training, you will gain online access to the following materials: • ThinkFirst For Kids • ThinkFirst for Youth • ThinkFirst For Teens (Including Road Safety) • ThinkFirst About Concussion • ThinkFirst to Prevent Falls • VIP Speaker Training Program • ThinkFirst products at chapter prices • Member pricing for annual ThinkFirst Conference on Injury Prevention • Use of the ThinkFirst name, logo and ability to create your ThinkFirst chapter name and logo for approved use Additional Training: • ThinkFirst For Your Baby; approval to attend additional instructor training • ThinkFirst For Teen Drivers; approval to attend additional instructor training